being left
It will take five to seven years to build a left (it's called or not called PD) capable of winning national elections.
Meanwhile, think about what he writes, Mario Cardinali, the article "Blacks Times", the vernacular. The Left is something different from the right. Trivial, but not so included.
" that we build the right was at least old racial hatred, were the massacres of the state, had sought the avalanche of evictions in favor of free market also in real estate speculation, was to seek to work and workers rent as a simple means of use, the desire to lay off-plan, ie how and when better returns to the master. It was right to deny social assistance - especially medical and retirement benefits - as a general right, as a particular need of the neediest. Right-wing religious fundamentalism was against abortion, against contraception and against the rights of the laity in general. It was right to want to reduce the public senior not qualified to beggar, to conceive the military expenditure as incompressible and even continuing to rise, consider the profit at any cost as the only and indisputable method of affirmation and social legitimacy .
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