Thursday, May 1, 2008

Effect Of Nexium On Menstrual

The working masses

W. Reich, Mass Psychology of Fascism, Mondadori, Milan, 1967, (pp. 10-14)

Since the primitive organization Democrats Work has definitely gone down, the organic core is no longer found in the social expression. What is natural "and" high " humans, what binds him to his cosmos, found only in art, especially in music and painting, a true expression. But so far has not exerted any substantial influence on the formation of human society, if society does not mean the culture of a small group of rich people belonging to the ruling class, but the community of all men.

ethical and social ideals of liberalism they might recognize the character traits of the surface layer, characterized by tolerance and dall'autocontrollo. This liberalism emphasizes his own ethics in order to stifle the "monster man", the second layer of "drives secondary, "" the unconscious "by Freud. The natural sociability of the third and deepest layer, the stratum in which the biology of the nucleus, is unknown to the liberal. He deplores the perversion of character and fight with human ethical norms, but the disasters of the twentieth century have taught us that not much has combined.

All that is truly revolutionary, any true art and science, born from the core biological nature of man. Neither the true revolutionary nor the artist or the scientist has so far managed to win over the masses and to guide them, and if anything there could not have been able to keep them permanently in the area of \u200b\u200binterest vital.

The situation is different with respect to liberalism and revolution, with regard to fascism. Essentially Fascism is neither the surface layer nor the deepest, but the second intermediate layer character of the secondary drives.

At the time I was busy with the first draft of this book, fascism was generally considered a "political party" other than as "social groups" expressed in an organized way a 'political idea. " Accordingly, "the party of fascism or fascist introduced by force or by" political maneuvering ".

Contrary to this, my medical experiences made with many people belonging to a variety of social classes, races, nations, religions and so on. I was taught that "fascism" is nothing more than the organized political expression of the structure, average human character, a structure that is not bound either to certain races or nations nor to certain parties, but that is general and international. According to the character meaning "fascism" is the basic human emotional attitude repressed by authoritarian machine civilization and its mechanistic-mystical conception of life.

The mechanistic-mystical character of the men of our time creates fascist parties and not vice versa.

Even today, after a wrong political thought, fascism is seen as a specific national characteristic of the Germans or the Japanese. This initial misconception achieve all other misinterpretations.

Fascism has been and will continue to be considered, to the detriment of genuine efforts to achieve freedom, the dictatorship of a small reactionary clique. The stubbornness with which he continues to support this error is due to the fear of realizing how things really are: Fascism is an international phenomenon that erodes all groups of society of all nations. This conclusion is his confirmation in the international events of the last fifteen years.

My experiences analytical character convinced me today that instead there is absolutely no one who bears within it the elements of the fascist way of thinking and feeling. Fascism as a political movement differs from other reactionary parties on the ground that is supported and spread by the masses.

I am well aware of the enormous responsibility that comes from such statements. Would hope, in the interests of our troubled world, that the working masses were aware of their responsibilities as clearly as regards fascism.

must distinguish strictly between normal militarism and fascism. Wilhelmine Germany was militaristic, but not fascist.

Since fascism manifests itself always and everywhere as a movement supported by the masses of humanity, betrays all the features and all the contradictions of human character structure of the masses: it is not, as generally believed, a purely reactionary movement but an amalgam of emotions and rebellious reactionary social ideas.

If revolution means the rational rebellion against intolerable conditions in human society, the rational will to "go to the bottom of all things" ("radical" - "radix" - "root") is to improve, So fascism is never a revolutionary. There is no doubt that it can make its appearance cloaked in revolutionary sentiments. But that doctor will not be called revolutionary fighting with wild curses a disease, but rather one that calmly, courageously and conscientiously try and combat the causes of the disease. The fascist rebellion always arises when a revolutionary emotion is transformed into illusion, for fear of the truth .

Fascism in its purest form, is the sum of all the irrational reactions of average human nature. The sociologist obtuse, which lacks the courage to recognize the predominant role of irrationality in human history, considers the theory of the race only a fascist imperialist interests, to put it more bland, a "prejudice." The same applies to politics and irresponsible rhetoric. The intensity and the prevalence of these "racial prejudice" is proof that they are rooted in the irrational part of human character. The race theory is not a creation of Fascism. On the contrary, fascism is a creation of racial hatred and its expression politically organized. Consequently there is a German fascism, Italian, English, Anglo Arab and jew. The ideology of race is a typical expression of the human character biopathy orgastically impotent.

The character-sadistic pervert racial ideology reveals its nature in its attitude to religion. It is said that fascism would be a return to paganism and the mortal enemy of religion. Far from it, fascism is the ultimate expression of religious mysticism. How this manifests itself in a particular social form. Fascism supports that religiosity that comes from sexual perversion, and transforms the character of the masochistic suffering of the ancient religion of patriarchy in a sadistic religion. Consequently transposes religion from beyond the philosophy of suffering nell'aldiqua sadistic murder.

The fascist mentality is the mentality of the 'man in the street "mediocre, subdued, eager to submit to authority and at the same time rebel. It is no coincidence that all fascist dictators go out from the social sphere of the little man in the street reactionary. The great industrial and militaristic feudal social advantage of this fact for their own purposes after they have developed within the general repression of life. Mechanistic authoritarian civilization and collects, in the form of fascism, only by the petty bourgeois repressed what he has sown for centuries, as a mystic mentality of Corporal and automation of day between the masses of poor and suppressed people. This petty bourgeoisie has copied all too well the behavior of the great and plays so distorted and exaggerated. The fascist is the sergeant of the gigantic army of our civilization profoundly ill and highly industrialized. One can not see the common man with impunity large tam tam high politics: the little sergeant passed the imperial general in all: the music of marching in goose-step, and in commanding obedience in mortal fear of having to think, diplomacy, strategy and tactics, in uniforms and parades, decorations and medals. A man like the Emperor William was revealed in all these things a wretched amateur compared to Hitler and the son of an officer who died of hunger. When a general "proletarian" is covered on both sides of his chest with medals, and why not, from the throat to the navel, thus demonstrating that the small ordinary man who does not intend to be outdone by the "true" and a great general.

Only after having thoroughly studied and for years the character of the small town repressed man, and things like actually taking place behind the scenes, you can understand what forces based on fascism.

the rebellion of the masses of human animals mistreated against the meaningless courtesies of the false liberalism (liberalism do not mean the real and true tolerance) appeared in the layer character of the drives secondary.

You can not make the innocent brute fascist if you try, depending on the political situation, only in German or in Italian and not as the American or Chinese if you have not traced in his own being, if not know the social institutions that hatch every day.

Can you beat fascism only if it deals with objectives and practices with a deep understanding of life processes. Nobody is able to imitate in terms of political maneuvering, ability to juggle in diplomatic relations, and organizing parades. But he can not answer vital questions to practice, because he sees everything in the image reflected the ideology and in the form of divided state.

When a fascist nature of any color begins to preach "the honor of the nation" (rather than the honor of man) or the salvation of the holy family and race "(rather than the community of humanity that works); when elated and when his mouth slogans that do not come out, then ask him publicly, and with the utmost calm and simplicity

"What do you do in practice to feed the nation without assassinate other nations? What do you do as a doctor against chronic diseases, what do you do as an educator to promote the joy of living of children, what do you do as an economist alleviate poverty, what do you do as a social worker against the attrition of mothers with many children, what do you do as a manufacturer to develop the hygiene of housing? Now, try not to prattle on and tries to give a concrete and practical, otherwise keep your mouth closed! "

It follows that international fascism will never be defeated with political maneuvering. Succumb to the natural organization of work, love and knowledge on an international scale.

work, love and knowledge of our society do not yet have the power to determine human existence. Plus, this great strengths of the positive principle of life are not aware of their immensity, their indispensability and their crucial importance for social existence. For this reason, the human society is today, one year after the military victory over fascist parties even closer to the edge of the abyss. The collapse of our civilization will be unstoppable if those responsible for the work, the scientists of all the ramifications of life (and death) and the donors and the recipients of love naturally slow to realize their enormous responsibilities.

What is alive can exist without fascism, but fascism can not live without that is alive. Fascism is the vampire clinging to the body of the living that his murderous impulses unleashed when love awakens in the spring by invoking the natural creation.

"Human freedom and social self-government in our lives and the lives of our descendants will take place in a peaceful or violent?". No one can give an answer to this agonizing question.

But who knows the vital functions in animals, in the newborn, in workers devoted to their activities, whether it be a mechanic, a scientist or an artist, it ceases to think of using concepts that were created by the misdeeds parties. What is alive can not "seize power by force" because they would not know what to do with power. Perhaps this conclusion means that life will always be a martyr and victim of political gangsterism, and that the politician will continue to suck forever his blood? This conclusion is incorrect.

my job as a doctor is to cure diseases. As a researcher I have to reveal unknown natural processes. If I stood up a rogue political force me to abandon my patients and my microscope, I would not bother me, but I throw out the door, unless he was leaving of his own free will. Having to resort to violence to defend my work and my studies on human life from intruders does not depend on me or my work, but the degree of impudence of the intruder. Imagine now that all those engaged in an activity that involves human life in time to recognize the political scoundrel. Do not they would act differently. Perhaps this simplified example can give a partial answer to the question about the way in which sooner or later life will be defended against intruders and destroyers.


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