April 25. Italy
April 25 is the most important civil celebration of the Italian State.
Italians and Anglo American on April 25 they defeated the forces of Nazi-Fascist Italian-German and have determined its historical failure.
Many times we wonder: but what was fascism in Italy?
Gianfranco Fini called fascism as "absolute evil". And 'This is a typical response fascist. There is no absolute evil. Otherwise we think that the traffic is infinitely more evil Fascism, as determined each year and determines a greater number of innocent victims.
Why has existed and still exists a mentality fascist, totalitarian and dictatorial in the system of relations between individuals?
Fascism introduced in Italy by Benito Mussolini's dictatorship is a response to a renewed sense of history: the mass society.
behaviors, customs, duties, before the preserve of elite political, financial and professional become, after the fall of the great European aristocracies, instruments widely distributed among a vast number of people. The technology industry allow the movement of masses of individuals. The achievements of science pharmacology Medical and ensure the extension of the existence of all social strata. More and more people vote, so they are political actors. The factory makes industrial
paid work and financial support to a growing number of people, both men and women. On the other hand, given the high number of casualties caused by the First World War, women, replacing the man in the factory work, requiring more and more individual rights. This, for the first time in the history of human existence.
It is a change of social and individual landmark. Before there were men of faith, politicians, judges, financiers, soldiers, scientists, professionals, landowners and artisans. Few people. Everything else was the multitude of small individual interests are not represented. After the industrial revolution and the First World War came to be the protagonists of becoming existential youth, women, families, employers, workers and the elderly. The numbers of subjects of social soars. It 'difficult to adapt to a new model storico.Qualcuno, a philosophical level, he feels the need for a new order. Invokes.
Benito Mussolini and, later, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin meet this need.
The answer is: the masses must be organized according to a predetermined model of social order.
The leader, the Fuhrer, the leader of the party are the custodians charismatic order: interpret the way of establishing social order and ensure continuity with the doctrine and force.
The Nazi-Fascism was thus a method of political organization based on the certainty of truth.
If a truth is certain, those who oppose the truth is an enemy. If an organization is the real one, who believes the false must be repressed and annihilated.
Hitler and Mussolini were the leaders of political fascism, but there are "fascist" religious, scientific, economic, technical, philosophical and even artistic fascism. There is always a fascist when you think you possess, to understand the absolute. To say the last word, you can think, "ok, there is an explanation for everything and I am the interpreter."
April 25 shows that the answer nazi-fascist was considered by the Italian people a wrong methodology.
can suppress tens, hundreds, thousands of dissenting voices. You can hide the errors of your theory for years. Even after centuries, we discover that the earth revolves around the sun. And then the masses are angry because they have been betrayed. Mussolini made the Italian soil Nazi tyranny. He betrayed his people. E 'was defeated. The April 25.
And every April 25 we remember all the fascists who believe they have the absolute truth that we do not know what that truth. But if this truth needs murder, physical violence and psychological coercion to be sought and established, if this truth does not allow the evolution of the human existence in its environment, there is always someone who will stand up to his physical death just to say another possible solution.
Honor to those who knew how to resist. And continuous attention to the fascism that is in us, without exception. Continuous attention to the traitors of the Italian Constitution, which is not the truth, but the system, the procedural mechanism to construct verifiable truth and changing over time and thus prevent any form of absolutism.
's have fun, sing, celebrate, and if we have time, seek new existential possibilities that do not damage someone else's.
We have allowed the heroes of April 25.
To them I extend my gratitude daily.
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