Each tolerance has its limits.
also the reactor nuclear.
April 26 to 22 years ago.
by Wikipedia.it
"Do not come back.
Pripyat, April 28, 1986 »
(phrase on a whiteboard of a kindergarten in the city)
The Ukrainian city of Pripyat (Припять in Cyrillic), located near the northern border of Belarus, about 110 km north of the capital Kiev, the vast marshy area of \u200b\u200bPolesie, is a ghost town, as rises adjacent to the famous Chernobyl nuclear power plant ', known for the most serious nuclear accident in human history never happened, and now abandoned.
The city is almost completely uninhabited. The roads are still open despite being virtually unused since 1986, although some plants protruding from the road. Some streets were closed and classes by concrete blocks to prevent access.
Despite police checks, there are still about four hundred people, who in one way or another, have returned to their homes and live in the area surrounding the plant, refusing to leave their homes. They eat the produce of the land, eating foods like vegetables and mushrooms and drinking water from streams, heavily contaminated.
To access the special permits are required and must be overcome to get out of control that is not exceeded forced to undergo a shower against radiation. Even the vehicles are checked in the case of radiation undergo a chemical shower.
Military vehicles of the Soviet Union lay in an open dump, because of the amount of radiation absorbed. This
human hell has become a paradise for animals. No longer having to interact with men are allowed to move freely, but nobody can find out which genetic mutations could face in the future. They occupied houses and abandoned structures and it is not unusual to see a wolf, a bear or a fox crossing the road.
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