Sunday, April 27, 2008

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The village of fear

Barbara Spinelli La Stampa today.
endorse every word.

The village of fear

Barbara Spinelli

is not the first time in the history of Europe that the crime takes an abnormal and symbolic space: in government decisions, in election campaigns, in becoming the career development policies, strategies of the media. Accadde once before in the belle époque: time eager impatience and brawls, which Thomas Mann called era of the great nervousness. In 1907, the newspaper La Petite République, founded by the socialist Jaures, headlines: "Insecurity is stylish, this is a fact." The climate was very similar to ours: similar fascination of crime, similar illusions of showdowns. Insecurity and crime was politicized in France, against the backdrop of extensive disputes on the death penalty. They were feared gangs of young people in tough neighborhoods, just like today: Apache was their name. Just like today s'invocava a break. Category that Foucault came to define, in an interview with Telos 83, pernicious: "One of the most harmful habits of modern thought is to speak of today as a present strength." Much of Apache vanished in the carnage of '14-'18.

Today the ghost reappears, with special force since 11 September and the disappearance of the USSR. It is the thesis of Laurent Mucchielli scholar, who published a collection of texts on the role that insecurity has played in the rise of Sarkozy. In fact, the security had become intrusive for some time, with the expansion of the extreme right in Europe. Back in the 90's the figure of the enemy change ("I do, you Westerners, the worst thing you can do to an opponent: you remove the enemy," said Georgi Arbatov, the USSR).

became less visible the external enemy, it turns out Islam is not only outside but inside the house, coming up with new offenses (among them, begging), and the public is offered the enemy within, the scapegoats to be killed. The riots in the suburbs are described as civil wars Los Angeles '92, France 2005 and 2007 and the counter is becoming militarized. The yeast becomes afraid of politics in the U.S., France and now Italy. Mucchielli's book is entitled: The Frenzy of Security (La Découverte). The frenzy

responds to real needs, especially in areas of lawlessness, where urban planning has made havoc: gray areas, called the private consultants called upon by governments, of 'guerrilla degenerate. "

Pellegrini The company, which often occurs Sarkozy, speaking of civil war. You quest'esagerazione that raises questions, experts in the suburbs. Theories of the internal enemy insecurity is not an evil to be remedied by reforming justice, prevention, control. The age of insecurity becomes nervous problem, which was in solution when space. The fear cease to be a problem and solution becomes, political investment. The newspapers do their part, a bit 'to sell a little' to conform. Hardly seem notice the manipulation that suffer, profits that politicians and private companies derive from fear.

The emotion takes the place of communication, the obsession of the figures, the language of war, the "long trail of blood": the press mimics the politician loses autonomy, instead of recording and interpreting escogita securities-harpoons. That's what the politicians want: "The media silence is a mistake," said Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy in a speech to the prefects of 2003. So we have: the news open to a crime, then seamlessly tie in electoral battles. And the viewer is drawn into the vortex, becomes an actor drone of what David Garland, in a 2002 book, called criminal society: with his vote and his anger imagine demiurge of new orders (The Culture of Control, Assayer, 2004).

The frenzy is desperate passion and panic, not confident in social progress, but dominated by catastrophism, the idea that the criminal is an individual's genetically predetermined, unchangeable. Are the beliefs of Sarkozy: no longer makes sense to policing, which attempts to integrate youth in the banlieues. "The best prevention is the penalty." Decades of work on the roots of violence are settled, judged gooders, sociological. When fear and insecurity become the solution, the problem disappears. Penal Populism overflows, imposing wide-ranging reforms, but not bloated ad hoc laws, policies and declarative, symbolic, motivated by permanent indignation.

In France, that Italy is today the country laboratory, the military adapted to public vocabulary is borrowed from the colonial. He explains Mathieu Rigouste, social scientist: the consultants most popular politicians, on the banlieues, the combined counter-insurgency doctrine developed in the Battle of Algiers with today's war on terror. So you erase the boundary between the civil and military, peacetime and war, internal and external. Certainly it is early to assess conclusively the results of these policies, but an initial assessment is possible. The obsession of the figures, the speed, chronic drama did not give real results for now.

The cop-executioner is even more unfair in the suburbs. The prisons are full, opening the way for a hasty pardons. Especially not the panacea military and technological works (video surveillance, biometrics): the terrorist is not afraid of death nor the eye of others. The speed is only partially successful: it prevents accurate analysis, the result-running show. It is in Britain, where Blair has intensified the repression, the proportion of juvenile offenders is the strongest (20 per cent on global crime). In Norway, where the model continues "sociological-protectionist ' the percentage is less than 5 percent. Mucchielli then cites a distortion that we know well: the slogan is Zero Tolerance for all crimes, "except for economic and financial markets: in contrast to other types of crime, the government (in French) looks in the name of" modernization "of the right of business, to decriminalize the conduct criminal. " It is the dual society described by Garland: one who has advantaged the liberal deregulation, the other a society governed by moral rules more traditional and made more stringent.

The politics of fear is hard to reconcile with the pragmatism that Sarkozy embodies the eyes of many. Pragmatism increasingly incensed, and always more equivocal policy is to be effective, not enough to say that it 'is not right nor left. " There's nothing pragmatic obsession of the figures, in contempt of the police of proximity, in the hurried rush to the spectacular result, whatever it is. Are no minimum sentences for repeat offenders the pragmatic, that reduce the autonomy of judges. Or the pre-trial detention is up to those who have already purged the pain but is still considered potentially dangerous (from a panel of experts, as desired by President Sarkozy).

Patrols proposed by the League may make sense: some people involved in the control of the territory, "armed only with mobile phones." But not must mean that state police and lower arms. That the company not only represses but self-control (maintaining large economic zones of impunity, as we have seen). This is to prevent the lynching that we have judges and police separated from society. When each light, complaint, other than represses, the world is likely to be the village, literally, not cosmopolitan order, but his native village where the social control protects without brakes, and the citizen loses the anonymity of the metropolis, can not escape the gaze, and learns to live in suspicion, no longer allowed to live.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

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sometimes explode

Each tolerance has its limits.
also the reactor nuclear.

April 26 to 22 years ago.


"Do not come back.
Pripyat, April 28, 1986 »

(phrase on a whiteboard of a kindergarten in the city)

The Ukrainian city of Pripyat (Припять in Cyrillic), located near the northern border of Belarus, about 110 km north of the capital Kiev, the vast marshy area of \u200b\u200bPolesie, is a ghost town, as rises adjacent to the famous Chernobyl nuclear power plant ', known for the most serious nuclear accident in human history never happened, and now abandoned.

The city is almost completely uninhabited. The roads are still open despite being virtually unused since 1986, although some plants protruding from the road. Some streets were closed and classes by concrete blocks to prevent access.

Despite police checks, there are still about four hundred people, who in one way or another, have returned to their homes and live in the area surrounding the plant, refusing to leave their homes. They eat the produce of the land, eating foods like vegetables and mushrooms and drinking water from streams, heavily contaminated.

To access the special permits are required and must be overcome to get out of control that is not exceeded forced to undergo a shower against radiation. Even the vehicles are checked in the case of radiation undergo a chemical shower.

Military vehicles of the Soviet Union lay in an open dump, because of the amount of radiation absorbed. This

human hell has become a paradise for animals. No longer having to interact with men are allowed to move freely, but nobody can find out which genetic mutations could face in the future. They occupied houses and abandoned structures and it is not unusual to see a wolf, a bear or a fox crossing the road.

Friday, April 25, 2008

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The rebel

read Junger, the Treaty of the rebel. And listen to

words of this man.
A man of a party. Like me.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

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April 25. Italy

April 25 is the most important civil celebration of the Italian State.

Italians and Anglo American on April 25 they defeated the forces of Nazi-Fascist Italian-German and have determined its historical failure.

Many times we wonder: but what was fascism in Italy?
Gianfranco Fini called fascism as "absolute evil". And 'This is a typical response fascist. There is no absolute evil. Otherwise we think that the traffic is infinitely more evil Fascism, as determined each year and determines a greater number of innocent victims.
Why has existed and still exists a mentality fascist, totalitarian and dictatorial in the system of relations between individuals?
Fascism introduced in Italy by Benito Mussolini's dictatorship is a response to a renewed sense of history: the mass society.

behaviors, customs, duties, before the preserve of elite political, financial and professional become, after the fall of the great European aristocracies, instruments widely distributed among a vast number of people. The technology industry allow the movement of masses of individuals. The achievements of science pharmacology Medical and ensure the extension of the existence of all social strata. More and more people vote, so they are political actors. The factory makes industrial
paid work and financial support to a growing number of people, both men and women. On the other hand, given the high number of casualties caused by the First World War, women, replacing the man in the factory work, requiring more and more individual rights. This, for the first time in the history of human existence.
It is a change of social and individual landmark. Before there were men of faith, politicians, judges, financiers, soldiers, scientists, professionals, landowners and artisans. Few people. Everything else was the multitude of small individual interests are not represented. After the industrial revolution and the First World War came to be the protagonists of becoming existential youth, women, families, employers, workers and the elderly. The numbers of subjects of social soars. It 'difficult to adapt to a new model storico.Qualcuno, a philosophical level, he feels the need for a new order. Invokes.
Benito Mussolini and, later, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin meet this need.
The answer is: the masses must be organized according to a predetermined model of social order.

The leader, the Fuhrer, the leader of the party are the custodians charismatic order: interpret the way of establishing social order and ensure continuity with the doctrine and force.

The Nazi-Fascism was thus a method of political organization based on the certainty of truth.
If a truth is certain, those who oppose the truth is an enemy. If an organization is the real one, who believes the false must be repressed and annihilated.
Hitler and Mussolini were the leaders of political fascism, but there are "fascist" religious, scientific, economic, technical, philosophical and even artistic fascism. There is always a fascist when you think you possess, to understand the absolute. To say the last word, you can think, "ok, there is an explanation for everything and I am the interpreter."

April 25 shows that the answer nazi-fascist was considered by the Italian people a wrong methodology.
can suppress tens, hundreds, thousands of dissenting voices. You can hide the errors of your theory for years. Even after centuries, we discover that the earth revolves around the sun. And then the masses are angry because they have been betrayed. Mussolini made the Italian soil Nazi tyranny. He betrayed his people. E 'was defeated. The April 25.
And every April 25 we remember all the fascists who believe they have the absolute truth that we do not know what that truth. But if this truth needs murder, physical violence and psychological coercion to be sought and established, if this truth does not allow the evolution of the human existence in its environment, there is always someone who will stand up to his physical death just to say another possible solution.

Honor to those who knew how to resist. And continuous attention to the fascism that is in us, without exception. Continuous attention to the traitors of the Italian Constitution, which is not the truth, but the system, the procedural mechanism to construct verifiable truth and changing over time and thus prevent any form of absolutism.
's have fun, sing, celebrate, and if we have time, seek new existential possibilities that do not damage someone else's.
We have allowed the heroes of April 25.
To them I extend my gratitude daily.

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a special episode of "In my own words."
The radio in 1938 was a means of communication.
who wanted to appropriate it? The young democracies of Italy and Germany. The others were
plutodemocrazie, Judeo-Masonic and false. Only Mussolini and Hitler were such democracies.

70 years ago. Deja Vu? Fate vobis.

With my special words of April 21, 2008 Special

my own words. AA special day ... in 1938, singing and dancing on the brink of the abyss ... Third appointment with the big story in prime time on Radiouno. During this special episode of "my own words" dedicated to 1938, Umberto Broccoli will do it '"see" the central events this year with the original voices of the protagonists of the Teche Rai preserved in the archives, with comments of the historian Giordano Bruno Guerri and Pierfrancesco Cyan, the grandson of Galezzo, and a drama that reconstructs the everyday life 'of an average Italian family of the thirties.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

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Just to refresh our memories

I thank the commentators for their important link, which makes it clickable.

Durban, 2001 .

I would say two things. There is a right of Israel to exist in the world (the Jewish culture is arguably one of the fundamental roots of the human being modern) and to exist as a state. Regardless of the Shoah. The right existed. E 'inherent to being a cultural and anthropological foundation. We can not but feel in our ways of thinking, perceiving, reading the world through symbols, the echo, when the sign of Judaism.
On the other hand, we should have the courage to resolve the conflict with increasing commitment.
Terrorists are criminals. We must eliminate the concept of political action for those who commit military activities not claimed by local jurisdictions. The terrorist is a bandit. A pirate.
E 'water man: landless reads.
to use concepts that will better serve the existing nineteenth-century nonsense briefing by bureaucrats.
Who wants to eliminate Israel, I repeat, is a criminal.
But at the same time it is necessary and no longer be extended to implement a series of heroic actions, perhaps unforeseen, to achieve peace. Also because, as an Italian, I begin to think that at this point is, says Hu Jintao, an internal matter. And after forty years I've heard of "Middle East problem", not take it anymore.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

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's over the UN war

The 2008 will be remembered as one of the fundamental years of history.
America is in recession. He lost the war, but do not tell the Americans. To save them from collapse
we thought Arabic and Chinese. Their major banks were not worth anything. I have rescheduled sovereign credit losses. Not convenient to anyone that the average American commits suicide. Consumes. Socialism no longer exists. The masses are greedy, cynical and more hungry capitalists. The 'Western man produces services. E 'in fight with haste, with information, with the existential multitasking. Commitments emotional, social, economic, physical. Always reachable.
A bit 'of evil can also grant it to him.
zero growth in Italy. The Pope is United States. Even the terrorists rights.
They won. As soon as an Italian soldier dies all cry to retire. The Islamists are loaded with TNT. From nuclear bombs to suicide bombers. So there is no game.
You change. We are all brothers. It 's over the war.
Woe to those who were wrong move to Durban. August, 2001.

Friday, April 18, 2008

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- Translation of a Roman event

Ban Ki Moon: We are a secular organization.

Joseph Ratzinger: And I told turf? I know 'a head of state and mica you side sees the legs of the sockets of Bagaglino. I say to you like you have to move. And you move bbene nun, a chimpanzee, mettemo there a more clever.
apprausi See I'm a pija. Me paro Pippo Baudo. And it's the world that I applaud, not Ceppaloni.

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change of direction is exaggerated

The Pope is right in this momento.Il Dalai Lama calls to hatred.
We try to listen instead of preconcettualizzare, please.


NEW YORK - "Respect for human rights only true path to safety," "freedom of religion even in the political sphere," "the right of the UN to intervene to protect people," a mission that 'have in common with the Catholic Church's role in the world and "the right to live their faith publicly." And then the stern warning against scientific research that is likely to challenge the "order of creation," threatening the "sanctity of life" and going to "rob the human person and the family of their natural identity." These are the basic steps of the intervention of Pope Benedict XVI before the General Assembly of the United Nations for the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.

The Pope is sitting on a white armchair next to the bench of the Presidency, speaks to a 'crowded courtroom that has long applauded at its entrance. He wears the traditional white dress and decided to speak French. The simultaneous translation in dozens of languages. The pope spoke for about half an hour and eventually the 192 representatives of the UN United rose to their feet for a long applause. The key passages of the speech, the recognition of the UN humanitarian "activities in which the Church is pleased to be associated," ending the cold war between the Vatican and glass building erupted last December when Ratzinger attacked during the UN and "moral relativism that dominates the international organizations and forget the dignity of man."

Before the General Assembly, the pontiff, who arrived from Washington with a military helicopter, was interviewed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, who had waited and got out of the glass palace, along Second Avenue. "The UN is a lay institution, but the work of his men is justified by faith" was the greeting of the Secretary-General. After Paul VI and John Paul II, Pope Ratzinger is the third involved the United Nations. Pope John Paul II had intervened on two occasions.


"No relativism" . The dignity of man, "
created in God's image," should be the focus of the international community and the United Nations is established precisely to protect those human rights that the tragedies of the twentieth century had "massively violated." So, faced with new challenges and emergencies, woe to adopt a "pragmatic approach", yielding to a relativism, that "the meaning and interpretation of rights" could vary and their universality would be denied "in the name of different cultural perceptions, political, social and even religious. "

The right to live the faith . You can be faithful and may, at the same time, also be political," that is, to participate in building the social order "especially avoiding the risk of secularization" has Benedict XVI told the Assembly. "You can not 'restrict the full guarantee of religious freedom to the free exercise of worship, in contrast, has to give due consideration to the public dimension of religion, and hence the possibility of believers playing their part in building the social. "For the Pope" inconceivable that believers should have to suppress a part of themselves, their faith, to be active citizens should never be necessary to deny God in order to enjoy their rights. "This is positive" involvement influential and generous "of representatives of religions" in universities, scientific institutions, schools, health care agencies and charitable organizations serving the poor and marginalized. "


The duty to intervene in states that violate human rights . The Pope justify certain forms of intervention. "Any State - he says - has the primary duty to protect its own population from grave and sustained violations of human rights, as well as from the consequences of humanitarian crises, whether natural or man-made.''The principle of" responsibility to protect "Ratzinger stresses, is the raison d'etre of the United Nations.

The limits of science and technology . The point of mediation between science and technology, according to Benedict XVI, is to find a scientific method that is truly respectful of ethical imperatives. ''''Some aspects of the application of recent scientific and technological discoveries''are a clear violation of the order of creation, to the point where not only is the sacred character of life contradicted, but the human person and the family are robbed of their natural identity.''

The fight against terrorism. It can and must take place but in respect for rights. "In good faith, respecting the law, and promoting solidarity with the weakest regions of the planet." Having said that "matters of security, development goals, reduction of local and global inequalities, protection of the environment, resources and climate, require all international leaders to act jointly and to show a readiness to work."

Thursday, April 17, 2008

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Rome is one of the most tolerant in the world.
why there by 3000 years. Then many are not tolerant with the Romans. Being Roman I say they do too well. But we are tolerant. With idiots, no. Anyway
: President Arcigay who wants the "iron fist" against the thugs is a bit 'funny. But take a purse?

ROME - Aggression homophobic, this afternoon in Rome against the Circle of homosexual culture "Mario Mieli 'way of Ephesus. This was revealed by a press association: "A large group of boys aged between 20 and 25 years - it said - has raided the premises of the Mario Mieli Homosexual Cultural Circle of Ephesus on a 2 / a, making the mess hall, overturning desks, fire extinguishers, sofa, paintings and literature. "

"Only through the intervention of the members present at the first floor of the Association - continues the statement -, vandals have turned away, shouting insults like 'shitty queers' and making melody to the Duce and the extermination camps."

The document links the attack on the "electoral climate" these days: "If this were the case we would say, bitter and worried, 'good start'." It is hoped "that it was not an isolated incident, although serious". The leaders of the club feared a repeat of "shipments driven" that would put at risk the assets of the Association (which operates in the capital for 25 years) and the safety and security of people. "

Immediate position of left-wing political forces. Beginning with the mayoral candidate Francesco Rutelli: "It takes a very firm and unanimous response against this resurgence of fascism intolerant and homophobic. We must avoid that the campaign is accompanied by facts like these that are to be relegated to the underground civilization." For the former candidate for mayor of Rome, Franco Grillini was "a serious act of escalation squad" because "we have been nominated mainly on the right who have flirted with the far right neo-fascist and neo-Nazi."

The President of the nation "Arcigay Aurelio Mancuso expressed "solidarity with" the club and argued that "the new government must take responsibility to heal the legal loopholes that do not punish hate crimes and homophobia in the same crimes against race and religion. For these people need an iron fist. "

In the evening of the PDL also aspiring mayor Gianni Alemanno condemned the incident, expressing solidarity with the Mario Mieli Club. "The rape of an intolerable act," he said. But the Rome Arcigay the words of former Minister of An arrived later. The association, "in front of the right to silence" in fact, had already expressed its concern "to every candidate to govern our city without showing solidarity with the victims of an ambush fascist aims to question the very existence of the lesbian, gay and trans".

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Fuksas explained everything

Italy knows nothing of globalization .
Annozero. Raidue. April 17, 2008

There is a beautiful drive on RAI-2, at this time.
biased, but with taste.
but the viewer? The problem is not the plurality of information.
The problem are the personal watertight chambers. And many Italians have watertight chambers in the brain. Not all