Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Get Doujin On Ipod Touch

l'omologazione degli outfit made in italy

I apologize for the prolonged absence but I was in Madrid with my boyfriend for a short spring break before exams, and I decided not to bring my mac with me right inseparable to remove ...
That is, the holiday was really nice and very informative, we visited a lot, walked for hours, all photographed and eaten to bursting. Apart what we did a little 'street life' turns shopping, walks in less touristy neighborhoods ...
A post soon a bit 'of photos of look and outfit hunted down the street that caught my attention. For now I propose to you a little 'reflections, resulting in fashion these days:

1) are irresistibly attracted by the new-look grounge ... if I see him with other women. Yet, for me, just are not ...

2) I love my leather jacket wonderful, faithful companion for years and has proved essential because of the crazy weather that hit the English capital

3) the English fashion hates skinny ... Mesh Jackets try 90% I was frighteningly large (and of course I felt the smallest size ever!). Clarifications which do not have a toothpick, indeed, are quite normal weight ...

4) I'm tired of the look of a typical Italian fashion girl. And this is the most complicated to explain, but I'll try. Walking around Madrid, I met several young girls dressed as follows:

- conspicuously bag (too blatantly!) Brand;
- scarf appeared too ostentatiously, so unnatural ... series of "look at my scarf, please! watch it! look at him!" (Example: I love the scarf with the skulls of ZARA, but I saw 3 in 5 days, I would say that the level of saturation is the limit)
- studded ballerina, blind, Swarovski
- jeggins
- the oversized lumberjack shirt / t- oversize faux-shirt ruined
- belt high waist
- 70000
bracelets - 3 / 4 rings
- 2 / 3
necklaces - big hair band or circle extradecorato

Invariably, the girls in question was Italian.
Now I understand that all these objects are beautiful and fashion ... but because all together ?????? The sensation I felt in all these put it, was all the same strict one: TOO MUCH!
There was nothing beautiful, fine, commendable. Garments and accessories were beautiful but, overall, lost. A valuable accessory, or sought a top value buy if framed in a simple outfit, essential, that does not drown, but, on the contrary, it enhances it. The excess of ornaments can only complicate the figure, the weary eye and obscure gems that might have cost a fortune or after hours of searching we found in the markets. The overload of jewelry and clothing with too many overlapping forced key does nothing but ruin the final effect. Maybe these outfits are good for fashion photography and virtual reality that allows us the web, but believe me in the streets are just not very natural and absolutely credible. Give that effect, "it took me hours to decide what to wear," while I think that fashion will serve to enhance them and beautify but without giving the feeling that this effort has cost us. Let me explain: I can also put us three hours to prepare, but do not want my outfit to do it to understand. Rather, I want it to feel like I am putting the first things you find in the closet that just happens to suit me incredibly. All the scaffolding, the excess, the construction is not at all elegant. It makes us all look ridiculous. We try to pull the handbrake. We are known worldwide for our style and our good taste, let's not lose this precious reputation.

Above, a photo taken at the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia.


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